
Walvoil 지원 전용 섹션에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 아래 항목울 채우고 업데이트 된 이력서를 첨부하십시오.
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자기 소개
개인 정보 *
내 연락처 세부정부 *
현 거주지 *
자격 / 학력 *
구사 가능 언어

컴퓨터 활용능력

내 업무 경험 *

주요 역할 *
기타 정보 *

지역 이동 불가능
지방 근무 가능
해외 출장 가능
해외 근무 가능

기타 참고사항 *

개인정보보호 *

Pursuant to the articles 13 and 14 of the European General Data Protection Regulation GDPR - EU N° 679/16 we inform you that WALVOIL S.P.A. carries out the processing of data relating to the people who submit an application for employment through the eligible completed form. Your data will be processed in paper form and/or with magnetic, electronic or telematic support, solely for the purpose of assessing the possible interest for future contractual relationships to be determined in the content; the data will be processed up to a maximum of 24 months, subsequently they will be deleted. The authorization for the data processing is optional; the denial to provide such data may imply our inability to enter the data in our archive and consequently to establish any relationships. Anyway collected data will be processed only for our company's recruiting activities and they will not be disseminated or communicated, except for the personnel assigned of the processing, Human Resources department and the sister companies. Collected data shall not be exported to NON-EU Countries. With reference to your data, you are allowed to exercise the rights pursuant to the articles 15-16-17-18 and 19 of GDPR EU N° 679/16 (right of Access, Correction, Deletion, Processing Limitation and Notification in case of Correction/Deletion/Limitation by the Data Controller). You are allowed to exercise your rights by sending an e-mail request to privacy@walvoil.com or by post to the company's registered office address.

Contacts of our Data Controller:
Fabio Marasi acting as Legal Representative of Walvoil S.p.A., autonomous 'Personal Data Controller' (PDC).
Gianluigi Olivieri acting as 'Personal Data Processor' (PDP).
Benedetta Pinna acting as 'Data Protection Officer' (DPO) of Walvoil S.p.A.

The Legal Representative of WALVOIL S.P.A.

Reggio Emilia, 1st January 2024

내 개인정보 처리에 동의합니다. *